
Sunday, August 28, 2011

red velvet s'mores brownies (kinda...)

These were the little s'mores brownies that could.

I really, really, REALLY wanted to make these the right way , but things just kept happening.

First, I completely forgot that I was out of flour. I wanted to make the brownies from scratch. By the time I realized that, it had started to rain because of Hurricane Irene and I didn't feel like venturing out.

Mind you it was a regular rainfall. I was just psyching myself out.

Besides, if I went out then I'd have to put on real pants and a brassiere and I simply was not in the mood.

I decided to make them anyways and use a brownie mix that I was POSITIVE that I had.

Wrong! I didn't have one. But, I did find a Red Velvet box cake mix. I decided I would turn them into brownies.

I went to go make the graham cracker base and of course I didn't have enough. As a result, Girl Scout Trefoil shortbread cookies served as a base as well.

Oh, and I wanted regular marshmallows on top but when I went into my cupboard, I only had minis.


This meant that my traditional s'mores brownies that I was dying to make turned into something completely different: A shortbread/graham cracker crust with a red velvet brownie and mini 'mallows on top.

I was skeptical, but how bad could they be?

Answer: Not bad at all!! Delicious!

The cookie base was really good,  the red velvet brownies were De. Lish and the toasted marshmallows were perfect.

I would definitely make this dessert again--It was so good!

Perfect dessert to wait the hurricane out. I was really lucky in that respect too. My neighborhood didn't get too much damage from Irene. I feel really blessed.  :)

Red Velvet S'more Brownies
*Graham Cracker Shortbread Crust
  • 1 cup each of shortbread cookies and graham cracker crumbs (or all graham crackers)
  •  6 tablespoons melted butter
*Red Velvet Brownies
  • 1 box of red velvet cake mix
  • 1 egg
  • 3/4 c. melted butter
  • 1/2 c.  of water
  • 1 c. mini chocolate chips
  • Mini Marshmallows
1. Mix up the melted butter and graham cracker crumbs and press into an 8x8 pan. Bake for about 15 minutes in a 325degree oven until golden brown.

2. While baking, mix up the brownies. Combine the egg, butter, and water and then add the cake mix and fold in the mini chocolate chips.

3. Bake the brownies in a 350 degree oven for about 30 minutes or until a toothpick inserted comes back out clean.

4. When the brownies are baked, spread desired amount of marshmallows on top and stick under the broiler for 2-3 minutes until they're golden brown. Let cool, cut and enjoy!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

vacay debrief

Brownie Sundae at Lizzie's Ice Cream in Harvard Square

So, I'm back!

I took some time off to get some R&R and hit up Boston, Martha's Vineyard, Orlando and my hometown of Miami, FL.

I wish I had canceled Miami and Orlando altogether.

Boston and Martha's Vineyard were F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C and I wish I had spent the whole time there instead.

I spent the first 6 years of my life in Cambridge, MA and then  spent summers visiting my dad and cousins. I forgot how much FUN Boston and Cambridge are!

Can't wait to go back.

Here are some pictures from the trip. =)

Shining waters at the Vineyard.

Love this place!

The Black Dog.

I get serious about ice-cream.

Flying Horses Carousel

Del's Lemonade and Lobster Roll

Prettiest street, ever.

Beach houses on our way back to Boston. Can I live there forever...

The best bubble tea at some random hole in the wall in Boston's Chinatown. De. Lish!

Airport in Boston has rocking chairs!

First stop in Miami---Miami Subs. The Gyros platter is the best!

At the beach in Hollywood, FL. One of my loves--Melissa. <3

Beach Boardwalk

Bellante's Pizza. $5 Pizza and Pasta buffet.

Hollywood Beach

My high school BFF Tessie and her boyfriend John's Italian Ice Stand. The Chillstop. DELICIOUS!

Peanut Butter Italian Ice with Sea Salt! So good! If you're in Miami, check them out! The Chillstop
Had to hit up Little Haiti in  Miami.  :)

Cola Couronne--one of my favorites.

And of course, I had to have some Guineps

So,that was my vacay.

Now, I'm back to real life and working tomorrow...fricking boo.

Going to spend the rest of the day unpacking and catching up with the blogosphere. :)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

gone away

Hey friends!

I'm off on vacation (yes!) for the next week with little to no internet; so I won't be able to update my little blog that brings me so much joy or talk to and check out your delightful dishes for a bit. :/

I hope you all have a great week and can't wait to see what's cooking when I get back. =)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

lemon crinkle cookies--the best ever!

These cookies left me speechless.


They are the best cookies I've ever had and if I were to ever open up a shop or something, these would be my signature treat.

I'd make a thousand a day and sell them for $.25 each.

Business men and women, children walking home from school, moms, teachers and everyone and anyone would know that for a mere quarter, they could get the world's greatest cookie.

Aren't they so adorable all rolled in  sugar! :)

Jihane's lemon crinkle cookies.  :o)

**I got a new commenting system. I like it, but I hate how commenters pictures don't show up unless they have a gravatar. So, if you want a Gravatar, go here and upload a picture. It will be used on ALL sites that you comment on!

Lemon Crinkle Cookies
--Adapted from Tasty Kitchen
  • ½ cups Butter, Softened
  • 1 cup Granulated Sugar
  • ½ teaspoons Vanilla Extract
  • 1 whole Egg
  • 1 teaspoon Lemon Zest (I used 2 teaspoons)
  • 1 Tablespoon Fresh Lemon Juice (I used 1.5--next time, 2)
  • 1-½ cup All-purpose Flour
  • ¼ teaspoons Salt
  • ¼ teaspoons Baking Powder
  • ⅛ teaspoons Baking Soda
  • ½ cups Powdered Sugar
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease light colored baking sheets with non stick cooking spray and set aside.

2. In a large bowl, cream butter and sugar together until light and fluffy. Whip in vanilla, egg, lemon zest and juice. Scrape sides of bowl and mix again. Stir in all dry ingredients (except powdered sugar) slowly until just combined. Scrape sides of bowl and mix again briefly.

3. Pour powdered sugar onto a large plate. Roll a heaping teaspoon of dough into a ball and roll in powdered sugar. Place on baking sheet and repeat with remaining dough.

4.Bake for 9-11 minutes or until bottom of cookies begin to barely brown and cookies have a matte finish (not melty or shiny). Remove from oven and cool cookies about 3 minutes before transferring to cooling rack.